Final fantasy xiii ost download torrent
Final fantasy xiii ost download torrent

Square Enix tried something unique and different with this game, which in the end was not well received by the fans and ended as a small disaster among the fans. this is advertised as a RPG and well its not as XIII's linearity makes it a cinematic turn based action game. if u wish to download and play an open world RPG then steer clear from this as its not a good RPG. This is a mixed Final Fantasy title for most of the FF fans and don't go expecting a deep RPG heavy game. If u r feeling tht way and want to play a linear and non open world game, then all the more reason for u to play this game and see wht it is all abt. Many may not feel it at all, but I know some ppl do feel this. even though a game is so good with the open world concept, U would still start to feel the fatigue. The Open world fatigue should be felt by some of u guys now.

Final fantasy xiii ost download torrent